Nearly the end of another year – its been a long one! But a high point of the last two weeks has been three new manuscripts accepted. The first is the emergence of our TrkA work in J. Med. Chem., (see where we have designed an NMR construct for use in drug discovery against this receptor. More to follow here I hope. There has also been a Nature Chemical Biology paper where my group has had a substantial involvement which will be published in the New Year. Finally a further paper in the long-standing successful collaboration with the Davis group which will be published in the New Year.
So lets see what next year brings – maybe Bruker will pull out of NMR as well? We have vowed not to buy any Agilent products in the future after their decision to do this and the hugely negative impact this has had on the NMR field and the impact on the huge research council investment now in legacy instrumentation all over the globe.